Notice Legal

Notice Legal


Identification de l'éditeur

Andre Pierre Gignac
39, rue Porte d'Orange 13006 Marseille

Directeur de la publication : Andre Pierre Gignac


2635 Walnut Street
Denver, CO 80205

Data Processing & Personal Character

In accordance with the provisions of Law n ° 78-17 of 6 January 1978 relating to data processing, files and liberties, you have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning you. To request a modification, correction or deletion of the data concerning you, you just have to send a letter by electronic or postal means to the Directorate of the legal and administrative information by justifying your identity.

Intellectual property

Reproduction right
The reproduction or reuse of the contents of this site is authorized, subject to mentioning the date and the source and more generally to respect the open license. The copy of the other pages of the site, the logos and the cards must have obtained the authorization of the director of the publication.

Hypertext links

This website may offer numerous links to other sites. We always indicate to which site we propose to go. However, these web pages whose addresses are regularly checked are not part of this site: they do not engage the responsibility for the writing of the site.